Are you thinking of becoming a Freemason?

Welcome! If you are thinking about joining a Lodge there is a process to go through. First, it is not true that you need to know a Mason to be asked - hence the information in our site should help you to understand the process to become a Freemason. However, if you already know (or have an idea of) what Freemasonry is about and want to join a welcoming, prestigious and super friendly lodge in the Wirral (Port Sunlight village), then look no further. Just get in touch with us HERE with your queries.

The criteria for joining the Freemasons in Port Sunlight, Wirral

Men from all walks of life, social backgrounds, race and religious beliefs are welcome to join. They must be over 21 years of age, have a belief in a Supreme Being and have no criminal convictions.

The early stages.

You will want to find out if Freemasonry is for you. “It does require commitment both in terms of attending meetings, Lodge of Instruction and learning about Freemasonry and the various roles within the Lodge”.

Once you have made your enquiry we will invite you to meet with us in relaxed, informal surroundings. This will give you the opportunity to ask any questions and to meet with the Lodge members.

We may even invite you and your family to our social functions again to get to know us and vice versa.

The interview stage.

Once we have got to know you, and you feel that Progress Lodge is right for you, we will invite you to an interview. Don’t worry!! This is a formal process we have to go through to ensure you meet the criteria and that you understand what is involved in terms of time and financial commitment.

Your Initiation into Freemasonry.

On success of your interview the Lodge Secretary will contact you in writing to confirm the date of Initiation into Freemasonry. This will include information about dress code, fees and general information to ensure your day is both enjoyable and memorable.

The early days of your ‘Masonic career’.

There are three stages of progression in the Lodge to become a Master Mason and the Lodge members will be there to guide you and pass on their knowledge and skills to you.

If you do have any questions and would like to join the Freemasons do get in touch HERE.

Freemasonry is open to good men and through a series of thought provoking and moral lessons (known quite simply as Masonic ritual), it can help them to become better men and useful in society.